Reflections from Bastar (Chhattisgarh)

Last month, I had the honour to be invited to the installation of a Solar Farm Station near Dantewada in the Bastar region of Chattisgarh. I have previously written about Vikalp here, so will not go too much into detail about the company, but rather want to reflect on our attitudes toward energy use, livelihoods and sustainability more broadly.

Over the past ~100 years, the world has moved to centralized energy systems. Thermal power plants and hydro dams are inherently more efficient at larger sizes for mechanical reasons, and our grid systems were built accordingly. The natural instinct is to do the same with large solar and wind installations, for example at Bhadla as I wrote about here. To be clear, we need hundreds of solar parks like Bhadla (and wind and hydro and storage) to power our modern factories and cities. There is also value in distributed solar, on both rooftops and on medium-large farms (“Agrivoltaics”). For example, Netherlands, with ~1% of India’s land area and population has managed to install 24,000 MW of solar power, almost entirely distributed. From a transmission and distribution perspective, there are significant cost and reliability benefits to distributed generation of both solar and bioenergy. However, I want to draw attention to a third model enabled by solar that has not yet received very much attention. This is a model of decentralized renewable energy woven directly into the social and economic life of it’s participants.

The Economic Case for Solar Farms

Solar pumps have received great attention under the KUSUM scheme, and indeed there is a tremendous potential to displace the use of diesel generators for pumping water. However, Vikalp’s key insight is that solar pumps will always struggle to be economic, as pumping is only required 80-100 days per year. By designing farm equipment (e-brushcutter, e-weeder, solar thresher, solar mills and fertigiation) with the solar pump, the same solar system can be used >300 days per year, and lower the costs not just for irrigation, but also for pest control, fertigation, harvesting and post-harvest processing, as shown in the below images.

Farmer using the e-Weeder
Farmer using solar-powered rice mill
Solar-powered thresher

The solar farm station itself is ~7.5 kW, enough to run the 5 HP motors (of the pump, thresher, mill) as well as charge the battery-powered equipment (brushcutters, weeders, etc.). By substantial reducing the input costs for the farmers, as well as the manual drudgery, farmer incomes can improve by Rs. 1,50,000-2,50,000 per hectare. Since each system can serve ~4 hectares, payback on the cost will be in as little as 4-5 years.

It is also worth noting that even if the solar cells are imported, over 95% of the component value is made-in-India, further supporting local labour and suppliers. Most importantly, rural economies are directly supported by the increase in farmer incomes. Finally, I should note that while Vikalp’s solution focuses on farm activities, solar-powered farming communities can be further enhanced using solar-powered cold storage (such as by Inficold or Ecozen), solar-powered cookers such as by ATEC Global and solar-powered DC lights, chargers, fans, refrigerators, etc. (which I wrote about previously here).

The Social Case for Solar Farms

From the perspective of farmer incomes, energy security and food security, I believe the case for solar farms are fairly clear. But I also believe this is part of a larger philosophical shift in our approach to development more broadly.

Whenever I am in rural areas, I can’t help but notice the strong social ties and sense of community, not to mention the open space, fresh air and clean water. For low-population density countries like my native Canada, perhaps large-scale farming with most people bunched into a handful of cities makes sense. But for the most populous nation on earth, perhaps a different approach is warranted, one that emphasizes self-reliance and local community.

One issue that often comes up for utility-scale solar is land. However, because the inherent value of the system to the community was recognized, the villagers themselves identified a plot of suitable land for the solar farm station.

7.5 kW Solar Farm Station atop Storage container for controls and solar equipment

Unfortunately one consequence of the site selection was that when moving the solar thresher to its designated location, the machine got stuck in the mud. However, I was struck at the willingness of the locals to pitch in and put their brawn to get the job done. I think this really showed that when the project is perceived as socially valuable to the community, they will ensure it gets done, above and beyond the strict economic logic.

Moving the solar thresher to its location. I pitched in as well (near the front), but definitely could not claim a contribution anywhere near that of the locals

Just to be clear, the cost per unit of solar power in a remote location will always be more than that of utility-scale solar. But the value it provides to the community is immesurable, in that it can help create dignity and livelihoods in situ, rather than compelling rural communities to migrate for a better life.

The Challenges and Opportunities for Distributed Energy

This project (being a pilot system) was beset with delays from the aformentioned mud, to the wrong length of tubing to 3 panels breaking on the way (note 3 different coloured panels in the second photo), to slight underperformance due to a lack of tree trimming. While most of these challenges are teething pains from a new technology, it really emphasized the need for government, multilaterals and philanthrophists to take a step up by investing in innovative technologies, providing grant and R&D support to help overcome the challenges of new technology adoption.

There were also many technological challenges, such as calibrating the motor controls to work correctly with the variable solar input, the mechanical configruation of the pumps and filters and the lack of spare parts locally. Luckily, the incredibly talented engineers from Vishwajeet Green Power Pune, were able to calibrate the equipment and get it up and running. However, this further reinforced the need to invest in training the next generation on modern technologies

On the whole, I was reminded about just how much time, effort and money we (as a society) have poured into building and maintaining fossil fuel infrastructure from mines, to pipelines to gas stations. While huge investment is required both in human and physical capital, distributed energy is in some sense easier than centralized fossil fuels as it engages and excites the local community and does not require as many economic actors to coordinate. The move from traditional biofuels to fossil fuels was not just an energy transition but a societal one. We must put the same level of attention into the societal transition from fossul fuels to modern renewable energy.

80% of India’s oil, 50% of it’s natural gas and >20% of the coal is imported, yet sun and wind provide energy every day and once the equipment is built, never need to be imported again for 25+ years (or more if recycled). By equalizing the taxes on renewable energy with that of fossil fuels, investing in R&D and providing the same government support for infrastructure as was provided to fossil fuels, society and communities can do the rest. Unlike with fossil fuels, there is a real opportunity for decentralized power to revitalize rural communities and provide an economic and social transformation.

To me, these communities are worthy of economic opportunity. Our society is worth choosing a different path. Our planet (pictured below) is worth fighting for.

View from Dholkal Ganesh, where we went hiking the next day

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